
How To Set Up A Poll On Slack

Slack offers a more professional person experience, with extensive management and scheduling benefits. In addition to many other features, Slack gives you the option to make polls in channels. Polls can be very useful for getting an overall consensus on an issue within a workspace.

In this article, yous'll acquire how to brand polls in Slack and how to customize them across various devices.

How to Install Integrations

Slack does not offering a congenital-in polling option. Fortunately, you can add Slack Integrations. These integrations are similar to applications, and you lot can get them from the Slack website. However, you cannot install integrations on the mobile or spider web app versions.

Installing an integration can only be done via a web browser. Once you lot've added an integration to a workspace via a browser, it automatically integrates with all phone/tablet and desktop apps. In this section, we'll prove you how to add a polling feature to your Slack workspace.

Although nosotros're installing Polly for the purposes of our article, any app you cull to install should take similar steps.

Here'due south how to install any integration, including various polling options.

  1. Become to Sign in to your workspace.
  2. Click on Browse Slack.
  3. Select Apps in the popular-out menu.
  4. Blazon Polls in the search box. If you'd like to add other features, type the discussion that best matches what you lot need.
  5. Click Add under the option that best suits your needs. Or, click on the app to see the overview.
  6. A new window will open up. Review your selection and click Add together to Slack.
  7. Click Allow to consent to the permissions necessary to add together your app.
  8. Click Go along to confirm that you'd similar to add the app to your workspace.
  9. Whichever app y'all chose to add together, you'll come across the Dashboard after moving through the prompts.

Keep in mind that after you've added an integration, it will appear in the mobile and desktop app versions too. Essentially, we merely have to use the web browser for the initial setup.

How to Ready Polls on Slack

As stated previously, nosotros're using the pop Polly app for our workspace, merely you can use any polling app. Afterwards y'all've installed the app, follow these steps to set up your poll:

  1. Caput over to your polling app by tapping on information technology under the Apps department.
  2. At present, you lot will see a link to become to your apps' dashboard (yous may need to wait for the link).
  3. Click Create New (or any variation of the option).
  4. Populate your questions and possible answers.
  5. Select the aqueduct where you'd similar to post your poll for votes.
  6. So click Send.
  7. Now, your team members can easily answer your poll considering information technology will show upwards as a message in the aqueduct.
  8. Finally, yous can check the poll results by clicking on your app again under the Apps section.

That'due south all there is to information technology! As stated previously, you can add whatsoever poll app y'all'd like from the Slack website. Some are free, while others only offering free trials. Yous tin look into the overview for each app to see which one offers features that align closely with your goals.

Poll Integrations

There are many integrations available on Slack that permit you to create and customize polls. With this in listen, we've decided to round upwardly a few options that may assistance you lot. Remember, the instructions for installing the apps are streamlined, but the actual polls vary.


Many Slack integrations offer poll options as one of their many features; Polly is poll-specific. Forms and survey tools are Polly'southward staff of life and butter. This integration allows you to stay continued, respond quickly, and admission the results instantaneously.

In add-on to creating polls, Polly allows you to concord regular standups (for agile teams), run games of trivia, acquit "hot takes" (polls that have no definitive answer but are mainly just for fun), etc.

Polly comes with various pre-installed templates and likewise allows you to customize and create your own. For instance, the weekly team check-in template is pre-loaded with questions such as "What is your main focus today?" and "Do you need support for any challenges that y'all might be facing?"

Polly's pattern is also annihilation but tedious – it's very centre-friendly.

Putter Bot

The best affair virtually using Doodle to create polls is that information technology isn't Slack-specific. This ways that people who aren't using Slack and those who are can participate in a poll.

It'southward as simple as sending them a shareable link one time you've created a Slack poll. Yes, the poll results will include responses from Slack team members and those who aren't using the app. You can besides share polls with non-Slack colleagues from the integration direct.

Doodle is also fully integrated with other software, like various Google apps, Office 365 and Outlook, ICS feed, etc.

In add-on to polls, Putter allows you lot to create various meetings outside of Slack.

To start using Putter on Slack, type in "/doodle" and customize a poll.

Unproblematic Poll

Uncomplicated Poll integration isn't complicated. It doesn't have any fancy customization features and doesn't piece of work exterior of Slack. But when it comes to simplicity and ease of use, nonetheless, there isn't some other Slack poll app like it.

With Elementary Poll, you can create the virtually basic, straightforward, and quick polls. Add a question, add the answer options, get it started. To begin a poll, select a channel, and type in "/poll "[insert question]" "Yeah," "No." For instance, to make up one's mind who'll be bachelor for this week's become-together, merely type "/poll "Will yous be attending the weekly meet-up tomorrow?" "Yeah" "No."

With some polls, anonymity is often necessary. With Simple Poll, any poll can offer respondents the chance to answer anonymously. Add together the "anonymous" tag to the cease of the command. For instance, "/poll "Are you satisfied with your salary?" "Yeah," "Neutral," "No" anonymous.

By simply calculation an emoji afterwards a poll response, the emoji will exist displayed as a part of the option. Make certain to add together the emoji afterwards each poll selection's quotation marks without a space between the end quote mark and the emoji.

Yous can as well restrict the number of votes each user can cast in a poll. To do this, add the limit keyword, followed by the allowable number of votes. Here's an instance: "/poll "What is your favorite color?" "Bluish" "Cherry" "Orangish" limit 1."

The Importance of Running Polls

Never underestimate the importance of having the poll option bachelor. Polls can be a stress-breaker in your team's office life but also exist of vital importance. For instance, instead of wasting time walking around asking everyone to choose what kind of nutrient they want to order for lunch, merely send your colleagues a poll and simplify the controlling process.

On the other hand, polls tin be used to get together opinions on, for case, product management. If you can't decide how to run a certain projection, create a poll and let your colleagues vote. Alternately, polls can be used to gather important information regarding how happy your team is with their work, their bacon, their position, or your company in full general.

Additional FAQ

Hither are some more answers to your questions nearly polls on Slack.

What do you get with a Polly free plan?

Unlike some Slack integrations, Polly features a gratis plan that isn't trial flow-limited. However, some restrictions, naturally, exist. While you can create whatever type of poll, the total response number that you can create in a single month is 25. Additionally, results older than 45 days will be subconscious from the dashboard. The free plan also prevents you from sharing your results, adding collaborators, and seeing various advanced analytics features.

Is Doodle free?

Doodle is a productivity app that isn't Slack-specific. It allows you to program meetings, customize them, and give you various other productivity and integration options. On the other paw, Doodle Bot is a Slack polling integration that is completely free. The best part here is that the bot allows y'all to create polls for people who are using Slack and those who aren't – for free. This is one of the coolest things about the bot.

What exercise you get for free with Elementary Poll?

Elementary Poll's costless plan is called "Hobby." It allows you lot to create native and anonymous polls. Yous can too gather up to 100 votes and x decisions per month. You can utilise ten options per poll or create a single recurring poll. The gratuitous plan is likely enough for those using Slack as a secondary messaging plan. For more serious needs, upgrading to the "Modest Business" programme will remove the recurring poll limit, as well as the monthly vote limit. The monthly decision limit is raised to 100, and you can offer 45 options per poll.

In that location's also a custom pricing selection, simply you'll need to contact the Simple Poll sales section to get more information on this.

Can I post a poll without adding an app?

Aye! If you have a third-party poll creation website you lot'd rather apply, you tin can mail the link to your channel. But, users will accept to open the link to bandage their vote.

Polls in Slack

Creating a poll in Slack is dependent on using an integration that will enable you to do so. Although adding an integration to your Slack workspace is, for the about part, a uniform procedure, working with integrations that enable you to start and run polls may differ slightly from integration to integration. Mostly, withal, they are very straightforward and user-friendly.

Have yous found your platonic poll integration selection? Do you recall there's a better pick than one of the three mentioned here? Don't be a stranger. Hit the comments section below and fire away.

How To Set Up A Poll On Slack,


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